I don’t know if you have seen Meddy Teddy yet, but the most adorable new kid's yoga tool on the market is even better than before.
Meddy Teddy is a bendable, sturdy, and soft teddy bear that can do yoga! (Use code Maia15 for 15% off your bear!)
The first version that I got, last fall, was really cute and such a huge hit in my classes.
It was such a calming tool to have for my kiddos to see a soft, posable bear doing yoga, and sitting calmly for mindfulness.
Plus, Meddy Teddy is a perfect squeezable toy that can help anxious or crying kids feel calm again.
When I found out they were releasing a NEWER version that could stand and balance on his own, I was ecstatic!
I finally ordered us a Meddy Teddy 2.0 and we named her Betty Teddy.
She stands up on her own!
(most of the time).
I also got a couple of the adorable outfits they have on their page because WHY NOT ? (15% off code Maia15 works for these too!)
My kids have become super motivated to do more yoga and mindfulness in my class now that Meddy and Betty are a permanent part of the team.
Here’s how we use Meddy Teddy in the classroom.
During mindfulness breathing
Meddy sits up in a calm seated position with his paws on his knees and eyes gently closed. With his soft smile, he reminds kids to just breathe and be.
Sometimes he sits in the middle of the circle so everyone can see him.
Sometimes he chooses to sit with another student who is so calm or needs a quick hug to help calm down.
Yes, this motivates them to be calm and I definitely use it to our advantage.
We use a variety of breathing techniques to help calm our bodies, focus our minds, and feel centered and connected. I even created a set of Mindfulness Breathing cards you can download for free here.
Check out our 14 Clever Ways to Breathe with Kids to Practice Mindfulness
Meddy Teddy also has Mindful Moments and Mantras to share.
These help us stay focused on positivity and being our best selves. Plus, if you're feeling stressed, taking some deep breaths while sitting with Meddy is always a good result.
Choose a mantra to say to yourself while you focus on your breathing. Breathe in…breathe out.
“I am calm…I am peace”
“I am here now…I am love”
“I breathe in peace…I breathe out stress”
“I am safe… I am strong”
Check out these additional positive mantras, or positive affirmations.
Try a fun kids yoga balance sequence with Meddy Teddy (or using another stuffed animal)
Meddy Teddy can help you practice balance poses, improve your core strength, concentration, and focus! Watch this fun kids yoga sequence using Meddy Teddy as a balance buddy.
Demonstration of a new pose (or a focus pose)
Meddy likes to show off his balancing skills and flexibility. If there is a particular pose we are going to work on during our Yoga Flow, he can show us all how to get into the pose and the proper alignment.
I set Meddy Teddy up in the pose, talk about alignment, and then I leave him in the middle of the circle (or maybe one friend holds him in the middle to help him stand).
Then, we do the whole Yoga Flow while Meddy holds down that one pose. We get excited when we get to his pose and match him!
We hold the pose a bit longer for fun and cheering.
It keeps everyone paying attention and the buildup of anticipation is huge.
As a helper during yoga centers
My classes have about 10-15 minutes of independent choice time every other day where they get to choose a yoga tool and work on their mat by themselves or with one other person.
They can choose a yoga book, yoga cards, a yoga board game, or choose to make up their own poses.
Meddy likes to visit kids who are working hard on their poses and holding them for at least 10 “Mississippi’s” (or 10 slow breaths).
If they get Meddy to work with them, they then get to choose who he visits next, after about 5 minutes.
I do have to be very careful to keep track of who uses Meddy each time so that everyone gets a chance in the end. I will also work with kids who need that extra person with them to keep going so that Meddy has a legitimate reason to visit them. 🙂
He's the Bear Who Cares:
Meddy Teddy really cares and shows lots of compassion for kids.
Like Elf on the Shelf, he is also always watching out for good behavior and extra caring friends.
I will point out that Meddy Teddy notices kids who are a caring companion, do random act of kindness, or show kindness to friend in need. When Meddy Teddy sees an extra helpful friend, or a nice deed being done, he will come by and visit for a few minutes, do yoga with them, or join in with their activity. Or, he might even whisper in the homeroom teacher's ear that they were EXTRA good.
A buddy during Savasana
Meddy Teddy has that quiet, calm demeanor and loves resting pose at the end of class. He is a great model for showing what Savasana looks (and sounds) like. Sometimes if he noticed someone doing an extra great job, he will rest next to them on their mat during savasana.
All the other kids still get beanie babies as their resting buddy if they are quiet and still, but having Meddy Teddy with them is extra special.
I usually reserve this privilege for kids who have made an excellent comeback from trickier behavior earlier in the week, or for kids that have been ill or injured.
But it is a nice motivator from time to time.
As you maybe can tell, Meddy Teddy is definitely one of my favorite tools to use in my kid's yoga classes. Get yours today for 15% off today with the code Maia15!
His two books are excellent companion purchases as well:
Meddy Teddy: A Mindful Journey
Meddy Teddy: Mindful Poses for Little Yogis
Other resources I love can be found in these posts here:
- Must Have Favorite Books for Teaching Yoga to Kids
- The Most Fabulous Books for Teaching Mindfulness to Kids
- How to Pick the Best Cards for Teaching Awesome Kids Yoga Classes
- My Favorite Resources for Teaching Kids Yoga
Do you have a Meddy Teddy? How do you use him in your classes or with your kids at home?
(Post updated August 19, 2020)
The Meddy Teddy on the Meddy Teddy and on Amazon is it the 2nd?
It used to be the only place you could get the authentic Meddy Teddy was directly from their website, and yes that is the newest version. Here’s the link to their page.
From what I’m seeing they may also sell on Amazon now, but it looks like they are sold out there? I’d go through their website for sure if you can! 🙂
Have fun with Meddy Teddy!