One of my favorite ways to encourage mindfulness in kids is with craft ideas!
Practicing mindfulness can be difficult for kids, especially those just starting or with difficulty focusing. It takes time to learn what works for you, whether it is meditation, journaling, or yoga.
Crafting gets kiddos involved and excited while also improving confidence and self-esteem. Using this to learn mindfulness skills can also help kids learn healthy coping skills for their emotions and ways to handle stress.

What is Mindfulness and Its Benefits for Kids
Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. For kids, mindfulness can have a profound impact on their emotional and cognitive development. By teaching children mindfulness techniques, parents and educators can help them develop essential life skills such as self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience.
Research has shown that mindfulness can have numerous benefits for kids, including:
- Improved emotional regulation and reduced stress
- Enhanced focus and concentration
- Increased self-awareness and self-esteem
- Better relationships with peers and adults
- Improved academic performance
Incorporating mindfulness into daily life can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, noticing the sensations in the body, or paying attention to the surroundings. By making mindfulness a regular practice, kids can develop a greater sense of peace, clarity, and inner peace.
Introduction to mindfulness and its positive impact on children’s emotional and cognitive development.
Here are some other ways mindfulness is beneficial for kids' emotional well being:
- Encourages confidence and self-control
- Improves sleep
- Reduced depression and anxiety
- Maintain healthy blood pressure
- Promotes kindness and compassion for others
Mindfulness crafts aren't just for kids either!
Take time to reorganize your thoughts and relax while becoming more aware of your emotions. Kids will love these mindfulness crafts and so will you.
Mindfulness Crafts (Ages 0-4)
Engage children with simple acts of mindfulness that have lasting developmental benefits, especially when practicing regularly. Fostering mindfulness in younger kids helps improve social skills and reduce attention issues. Try these easy mindfulness crafts with your kiddos!
Mindful Breathing Wand:
Introduce your little ones to mindfulness with creative craft activities like this simple breathing craft. Deep breathing resets our nervous system and helps kids calm down.
Materials: cardboard rolls (toilet paper or paper towel), streamers or ribbons, and something to decorate with.
- Cut the top off one toilet paper roll and place it on one end of the other like an arch.
- Attach securely and add ribbons to the arch
- Decorate however you want!
Image and Craft by MindfulLittleMinds
Mindful Coloring:
Mindfulness art activities, such as coloring, are an excellent way to practice mindfulness and focus for all ages, but especially for younger kids. It takes something they already do and introduces ways to be more aware of their emotions.
Here are a few great websites to find free printable coloring pages:
And some excellent mindful coloring books:
- Mindful Affirmations and Activities: A Kids Guide with 50 Positive Mantras and Activities to Manage Emotions, Grow Mindful, Strong, and Confident by Pragya Tomar and Michela Flori
- I Am Awesome – Coloring Book For Girls With Positive & Inspiring Mindfulness Quotes: Inspirational Coloring Book To Build Confidence by Creative Affirmations Publishing
- Yoga Coloring Book for Kids: Mindful and Stress Relieving Activity Book by Melody Verduzco
- Cute and Playful Patterns Coloring Book for Kids by Young Dreamers Press
Make sure to ask questions or reflect while you color.
Why did you choose the colors you used? How are you feeling as you color? Asking questions will help you become more in tune with your emotions and aware of your thoughts. It is also a great way to reflect on your day.
Gingerbread Playdough:
What smells amazing AND uses sensory mindfulness? This homemade gingerbread playdough is perfect for kids who love to explore their emotions through activity.
It is edible, though it might not taste as good as it smells. Help teach self-regulation and awareness as you play with this delightful craft!
The full recipe is found on Housing A Forest‘s website along with exact measurements, but I have included a short description of it below.
Materials: flour, salt, cream of tartar, water, coconut oil, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves.
- Mix ingredients in a saucepan with wet ingredients added separately. Stir until it looks like batter.
- Cook slowly over medium heat while stirring continuously
- Once the mixture is solidified together into a bunch, remove it from the heat and pat it smooth.
- After it has cooled down, have fun and create!
As they play with the playdough, ask your kiddos questions about their emotions. What senses are they using? Smell? Touch? How do they feel as they play with the gingerbread? Counselor Keri has a wonderful mindfulness script you can use as well. This is a great way to reflect on their day and get creative.
Mindfulness Art Activities (Ages 4-8)
Mandalas are featured a lot in mindfulness and meditation. And for a good reason! Their complex circular patterns make them a great mindfulness tool and kids will love to make their own. You can create them from anything, but I recommend things from nature.
Materials: round base
Optional: rocks, sticks, shells, beads, flowers, etc
- Place the round base firmly on a flat surface.
- Mandalas are typically symmetrical, but this isn’t necessary. Encourage kids to explore patterns and get creative!
- Place items in a circular pattern leading to the middle of the mandala
Ask yourself and your kiddos questions while making these mandalas. How do the materials feel in your hand? What does the leaf or flower smell like? How does making the mandala make you feel? These activities help children explore their creativity and emotions, promoting mental and emotional well-being.
Straw Painting:
This is a simple yet fun art project you and your kiddos can do together. Every time is different and super satisfying to do.
This is a great mindfulness craft to do when you’re a little frustrated, so you need to blow out straws, so strong breaths work great! It helps children pay attention to the present moment, engaging their senses and attention.
Materials: cardstock, liquid watercolor paint or food coloring, dropper/pipette, and straws.
- Place paper in an area with easy cleanup. Cut straws in half, so they are small. (If you’re doing this with younger kids, poke a hole halfway up the straw, so they don’t accidentally suck up paint into the straw)
- Put paints in small containers and get droppers.
- Add paint drops to the paper with the droppers.
- Blow at paint through straws
- Repeat
These paintings are so colorful and creative! Kids can practice their breathing exercises while also creating something beautiful.
Mindful Mandala Hands:
Another great craft to do is making mandala hands! These help notice and recognize how we feel. Plus, you get to color! Find the full craft description on Counselor Keri‘s website.
Materials: cardstock or plain white paper, pencils, markers, and other coloring materials
- Place your hands on the paper, fingers spread out.
- Trace your hands with a pencil.
- Once you are clued into your emotions, draw inside the outline of your hands. Design the inside to show your feelings.
- Name how you are feeling on each finger.
- After your designs are done, color the inside with markers, watercolors, or colored pencils. Try to use colors that best represent your feelings!
- Direct your kids to think about sensations as you make these. How does the paper feel under your hands? What do you notice about the pressure you use with the tools? How does the pencil feel along your skin? What is your brain, heart, or stomach feeling?
Mindful Crafts (Ages 8+)
Glitter Bottles for Stress Relief:
Glitter bottles are probably my favorite of all relaxing crafts. I love making these and so do my students.
Try these mindfulness glitter calm-down bottles with your kids and watch them become mesmerized! You can find a full description of this craft with step-by-step pictures on my website here
Materials: plastic or glass bottles (I recommend plastic VOSS bottles), glitter, food coloring, glycerin or corn syrup, dish soap, gorilla or hot glue, and water.
- Put glitter in the bottle first, then get warm water from the faucet.
- Add a little water and shake gently. Then add glycerin or corn syrup until the bottle is ¼ of the way full.
- Add the rest of the water until the bottle is almost full. Then add a few drops of dish soap.
- Close the bottle and shake gently to mix everything up.
- Glue the bottle closed with a little gorilla or hot glue and enjoy!
Image and Craft by Kumarah Yoga
These glitter bottles are so fun to make and look at. It is so cool to watch the glitter swirling throughout the bottle. These are also great with which to practice breathing and mindfulness techniques.
Mindful Zen Garden:
I love zen gardens! They are an ancient meditation technique used by Japanese monks to practice mindfulness and stress relief, just as you will.
These little gardens help bring a sense of peace to your day. You can find this craft on my website here as well as a summary below.
Materials: flat, low-edged container, fine sand, small rake or fork, rocks, and any decorative materials you want. I recommend things you can find in nature!
- Put sand in the container, so it is flat and level.
- Place your decorative materials where you want. I like to add little fairy houses and moss in there as well.
- Rake slowly and breathe. Think about how you’re raking. What shapes are you making in the sand? How does it feel to encounter obstacles?
- Mantras or affirmations are also great ways to destress while raking.
Having this on my desk makes me feel so much calmer and reminds me to take brain breaks. Kids will enjoy making them as much as they will love playing with them. Plus, it encourages mindfulness and focus.
Affirmation Rocks for Self Awareness:
Positive affirmations are essential to healthy self-esteem and confidence. I like to say or think about my own affirmations while I'm meditating or doing yoga.
Little pep talks like ‘I am strong and confident' or ‘Today is going to be a great day because I am going to think positive thoughts'.
These are excellent affirmations, or mantras, to help kids build self-esteem and believe in themselves. Adding rocks to these affirmations helps kids visualize their affirmations and feel more permanent.
Materials: rocks, paint, and permanent markers
- Make sure your rocks are clean and dry
- Paint the rock and add designs once dry
- Write positive affirmations on the rocks clearly and in large letters.
As you decorate your rocks, think about how the paintbrush feels against the rock. Notice how the paint goes on and how the brush smooths it out. Recognize how you feel as you write and repeat your affirmations.
These rocks will help cement the affirmations in your kiddos' heads and get them to recognize their feelings. It also encourages confidence and validates their emotions.
Practicing mindfulness is different for everyone, so each person's affirmations are different. Pick the ones that are best for you. on and how the brush smooths it out. Recognize your emotions as you paint and repeat your affirmations.
Breathing Beads:
These beads are great for getting kids to pay attention to their breathing. Easy to make and unique for every kid, they are wonderful for teaching and practicing mindfulness. Plus, they are easy to carry with you so you can take them anywhere in your pocket!
Materials: string, yarn, or ribbon, and beads
- Cut your string, yarn, or ribbon to the length you want it. Tie it at one end.
- Put your beads on how you want. It can be in patterns or your own organizational method.
- Tie at the other end, leaving room to move the beads.
- Practice mindfulness by taking a breath for each bead. Move it to the side or spin it in your fingers.
Practicing mindfulness is essential to the development and self-esteem. Anyone can do it and crafting is an excellent and fun way to get started. Some people like drawing, knitting or crocheting, or scrapbooking.
Starting something new can be scary, but mindfulness is easy once you get the hang of it. It is different for everyone, and no one experiences it the same way.
Engaging in mindfulness crafts is the perfect way to get kids engaged and excited about mindfulness. Not only does it help you relax, but it also has proven benefits for physical and mental health. The benefits of it are immeasurable.
Anyone can do the crafts listed above, but some of them will need an adult or older person. Make sure to be aware of safety measures while crafting and have fun!
Additional Mindful Crafting Ideas
- Mindful Coloring: Learn how to create intricate designs and patterns using colored pencils, markers, or crayons. Try these mindfulness coloring pages.
- Paper Crafts: Discover the art of paper folding, cutting, and gluing. The art of origami teaches kids how to create beautiful paper flowers, lanterns, and other decorative items.
- Nature Crafts: Explore the world of nature and create crafts using natural materials like leaves, twigs, and rocks. Try making leaf rubbings, twig sculptures, and rock mandalas.
- Mindful Artists: Learn how to create beautiful paintings using watercolors, acrylics, or tempera paint. Focus on how to mix colors, create textures, and experiment with different techniques.
Mindfulness and Mental Health Support
Engaging in mindfulness crafts can have a profound impact on mental health and well-being. By providing a creative outlet for feelings and thoughts, mindfulness crafts can help kids process and manage their feelings in a healthy way.
Mindfulness arts and crafts are designed to promote emotional well-being, self-awareness, and inner peace. By encouraging kids to explore their creativity and imagination, we can help them develop essential skills such as:
- Emotional regulation and resilience
- Self-awareness and self-esteem
- Focus and concentration
- Creativity and imagination
By incorporating mindfulness crafts into classrooms or at home, kids can develop a greater sense of calm, clarity, and inner peace. It's important to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for kids to explore their creativity and develop essential skills.
I hope these creative craft activities help inspire you to bring more art projects into your classroom and home to engage children and support their emotional well being. Stay present, and explore those artistic abilities!
Thank you for these activities! I am a teacher planning a mindfulness club and these are pervect activities.
You are welcome, I hope you are having fun with them! 🙂
Thank you for these x