Simple DIY Essential Oils for Kids at Home

With all the health benefits of practicing daily yoga, we frequently forget to include other holistic activities to supplement our exercise.

Diffusing essential oils is a great way to boost your child’s mood, invigorate their mind, and maintain a healthy balance. When combined with other natural immune boosters for kids, its a fun way to keep holistic health front and center for your kids.

It’s also a super helpful way to keep your yoga space fresh and welcoming. My students are a bit stinky when they come in from recess, so my oil diffuser is a huge help!

How Essential Oils Can Benefit Kids

While essential oils are known for their therapeutic properties, it’s essential to recognize how they can specifically benefit kids.

  1. Promoting Calm and Relaxation: Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and cedarwood are well-known for their calming and soothing effects. Diffusing these oils during bedtime or incorporating them into a pre-sleep routine can help children wind down and relax, making it easier for them to fall asleep peacefully.
  2. Easing Stress and Anxiety: Just as adults experience stress and anxiety, children can also face these emotional challenges, whether it’s due to school, peer pressure, or other factors. Oils like bergamot, frankincense, and rose can help alleviate stress and anxiety when diffused or diluted for topical use. Encouraging deep breaths and mindfulness alongside these oils can further empower children to manage their stress.
  3. Supporting Focus and Concentration: Some children may struggle with maintaining focus, especially during tasks that require attention and concentration. Essential oils such as peppermint, lemon, and rosemary can promote alertness and mental clarity. Incorporating these oils into study or homework sessions can help improve cognitive performance and enhance productivity.
  4. Enhancing Mood and Positivity: Kids can experience mood swings, irritability, or low spirits, which may affect their overall well-being. Citrus oils like orange, lemon, and grapefruit are known for their uplifting properties. Diffusing these oils or applying them topically can help improve a child’s mood, boost positivity, and create a cheerful atmosphere.
  5. Supporting Respiratory Health: Children are prone to respiratory issues, especially during cold and flu seasons. Essential oils like eucalyptus, tea tree, and lavender can provide relief from congestion and promote clear breathing. Using a diffuser with these oils can be particularly helpful during times of respiratory discomfort.
  6. Encouraging Mind-Body Connection: Combining essential oils with activities like yoga can help children establish a stronger mind-body connection. Aromatherapy can enhance their sensory experiences during yoga practice, making it more engaging and enjoyable.

It’s important to note that when using essential oils with children, they should always be diluted appropriately to ensure safety. Additionally, some oils may not be suitable for very young children, so it’s crucial to research and consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional for guidance.

Always prioritize safety, and be attentive to your child’s preferences and reactions to different oils to tailor the aromatherapy experience to their needs and preferences.

Aromatherapy and Yoga for Kids

Combining yoga and aromatherapy for young kids may lead to a more impactful session and allow them to be fully present and clear. It’s also a fun topic of discussion and helps ensure your teaching space has the right atmosphere.

If you are teaching in a studio or a school, make sure to get permission from parents first to ensure you won’t use anything that your students may be allergic to.

Don’t bother schlepping to the store for the “perfect” aroma products—for your convenience, here are a few simple ways to make DIY essential oils at home. (And involve your kids at home if you have them!)

Get the Right Kit

You’ll need a few items before you begin making essential oils with your children. Quality DIY kits include a few glass vials with dropper caps, roll-on containers, and other necessary tools.

Some even feature specialized travel cases, nifty accessories, and scentless bases for custom blending. Research which kit is suitable for you to ensure you make the most practical purchase.

Buy Quality Materials

Essential oils are mainly composed of organic plant materials, which give the concoctions their health benefits. However, deciding which ingredients are best is no easy task.

For starters, determine the effect you want your oils to have—for example, lavender oils will help you and your child relax, and frankincense will boost your mood.

Then, find the best plant materials for you and your child, depending on the type of yoga activity you’re doing. Remember, opt for fresher, higher-quality plants and ingredients, as these make for the best DIY products.

Simple Ways To Make DIY Essential Oils at Home

Follow a Helpful Recipe

Here’s a straightforward recipe to kickstart your DIY aromatherapy journey:


  • Lemons and oranges (for peels)
  • Rosemary
  • Almond oil
  • Mason jars
  • Crockpot


  1. Peel some lemons and oranges, and place the peels into small mason jars.
  2. Trim some rosemary and combine it with the citrus peels in the jars.
  3. Pour almond oil into the jars, filling them as much as possible.
  4. Seal the mason jars tightly and place them in the Crockpot, covering them with water.
  5. Set the Crockpot on a low heat setting and allow it to cook for six to eight hours.
  6. Let the jars cool, then transfer the finished essential oil into a container or vial of your choice.

This is just one of many helpful recipes for DIY aromatherapy products. Explore different combinations of plant materials to craft oils that suit your child’s and your own preferences.

Once the oils are ready, try them out while you and your child practice some breathing exercises together, or relax in savasana with some guided meditations.

Follow these simple ways to make DIY essential oils at home and reap the benefits of yoga mixed with aromatherapy. Most importantly, you and your children can stay healthy without breaking the bank at an essential oils store.

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